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Broward 954-999-0226  Palm Beach 561-284-6064


Care Managers


Care Managers are trained and experienced clinicians that  conduct  an  initial screening assessment visit. They  create  a customized plan of  care  specific  to the  needs  of our clients


  • Initial Screening/Assessment Visit

  • Create and Update Plan of Care

  • Monthly Well Check Visits 

  • Assist with Community Resources


Initial Assessment Visit

Caregivers are provided with a Plan of Care that are created by our Care Managers. This Plan of Care establishes a baseline for each client and established all services being provided, including the level of care that each client requires.

Monthly Well Check Visits

Care Managers also provide optional monthly Well Check Visits with each client to evaluate all services, assess and evaluate for functional, cognitive, and/or environmental changes and update plan of care as needed.


Care Managers also conduct a needs assessment to determine if client is in need of additional community resources and assist with obtaining them.

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